Now that I have a variety of novels written, I thought I’d better schedule when I was going to edit them. So today I made a list of the rest of the year month by month. I won’t get to all of them this year, unless I double book myself (which might happen, I’m fond of multi-tasking).

Here’s what I came up with:


  • edit Freedom (not going to finish this month, but I’ve made significant progress … even though now I see this needs a rewrite. Argh.)
  • snowflake my FebNoWriMo story (Test of Time) . I got to step 5 so far, I might jump ahead and start outlining just so I have what’s in my head down. (see sidebar for the Snowflake Method). If you want to participate in FebNo, go over to NaNoPubYe (see sidebar) and sign up.


  • write Test of Time


  • get caught up on the 2 Year Novel (2YN) class I’m taking over at Forward Motion (see sidebar for link) . The story is called Tachyon People.


  • edit Clan Twelve


  • participate in the Story A Day challenge over at Forward Motion


  • snowflake a story for JulNoWriMo. NaNoPubYe had one last year, and there’s another site just for this which I never did much with.


  • participate in JulNoWriMo.


  • participate in the Labor of Love challenge over at FM. The idea is to write as much as you can in one week.
  • get caught up with Tachyon People and the class.


  • edit The Vacation Game


  • snowflake a story for NaNoWriMo


  • NaNoWriMo!


  • edit Double Cross

This will most likely not happen in exactly this way, but writing a schedule feels freeing. I don’t have to worry about when my novels are going to get edited anymore.